

  • Michelangelo Models,Paul James LeBrooy, Creelman & Drummond Publishers Ltd, Vancouver Canada, 1972

  • A Survey of Michelangelo's Models in Wax and Clay, Ludwig Goldschheider, Phaidon, London, England, 1962

  • Cascade Catalog for Exhibition of Michelanglo Models in Seattle, USA Dec/1978 to March/1979

  • The Medici, Michelangelo, and the Art of the Late Rewnaissance Florence Yale University Press, 2003 709.4551

  • Michelangelo,Lutz Heusinger,1984, 709.2 M623

  • Michelangelo Sculptor,Rupert Hudson,Summerfield Press, Florence, Italy, 1999 (This is a excellant book for any Michelangelo lover)

  • Google Arts and Coulture: Michelangelo