Head of a Faun...first sculpture
There is a mask in the Museo Nazionale, Florence but the
art experts attribute it to a 17th c sculptor.
Statue of Hercules, Last in possession of King of France
in 1713. Made when Michelangelo was 17.
St. John or Giobsnnino, In Berlin Museum there is a statue but the
experts are in dispute
Sleeping cupid made at same time as Bacchus. It was made to be sold
as a "Roman Antique".
The sleeping cupid was acquired in 1496 by Caesar Borgia (son of the reigning
Pope Alexander VI) w3ho gave it as a gift to the Duke of Urbino
whence it disappeared without a trace.
Standing Cupid also made at same time as Bacchus
Lifesize Bronze statue of david commisioned in 1502.
Bronze statue of of Pope Julius II. The statue was
destroyed but the head was preservered in the Duke of
Afonso of Ferrara's personal Art Gallery
Christ bearing Cross, mentioned as "no finita" in Michelangelos
estate in 1564. Michelangelo's student Daniel de Volterra
described it as "similar to Christ in Minerva, yet differing from it"
Lost Paintings
Temptation of St. Anthony.
Ghirlandaio and his assistants at work
in Santa Maria Novella (1489) in Ghirlandaio's possession
St, Francis Recieving Stigsta, said to be executed after
a cartoon by Michelangelo
Battle of Cassina Cartoon (1504-05) fragments were preserved
till 1635.
Leda and the Swan (1530). This painting was given to his
student Antonio Mini, who took it with him to France. Mini's
friend Benedetoo del Bene established a "Leda factory"
in Lyons and made many copies of it.
Fall of the angels sketches for never completed fresco that
was to opposite the "Last Judgement" or over the entrance to
the sistine chapel. One of Michelangelo's sistine color mixers
executed a fresco in the Church rinita dei Monti in Rome from
Michelangelo's Sketches. The church no longer exits.
Wood/ Clay Architectural models
ALl of his architectural models have disapperared except for
two models: 1) Wood model of St Peters; 2)Wood Model for San Lorenzo Church