
Michelangelo suffered from arthritis in his hands


Michelangelo may suffered from osteoarthritis in his left hands. Or, maybe, holding his chisel in his left hand he hit it too many times with a hammer causing nerve damage.

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Interesting, both my hands look the same as M. Its, not the same view, but there many folds between my thumb and the next finger. I have muscle wasting in my left hand due to nerve damage. I also have arthritis. Too me Michelangelo's left hand damage is more like nerve damage than arthritis.


3-29-19 Drawn while I was waiting for cataract surgery on my Left eye I was curious as to how well I could draw with only my right eye. At the time I could only see the big E with the Left eye on the eye chart.


Leonardo da Vinci also had a claw right hand.

In his final years it is said Leonardo stopped painting because of it This also could be due to nerve damage. They used alot of toxic paints back then. White was made from lead. Leonardo, liked working in the paints with his fingers. His fingerprints have been found on his paintings.