c.1905 Carl Frey book contains over 300 drawings of Michelangelo's work
Henry Thode, 1913
A complete Catalogue of Michelangelo 500 drawings and 60 models
contained no drawings. Students prefered to use Carl Frey's book as
a reference. Thodes book was much quoted but never much
Michelangelo Models,Paul James
LeBrooy, Creelman & Drummond Publishers Ltd,
Vancouver Canada, 1972
A Survey of Michelangelo's Models
in Wax and Clay, Ludwig Goldschheider,
Phaidon, London, England, 1962
"Michelangelo, Die errakotten Aus Der Sammlung Haehnel"
by art critic Julius Meier-Graefe. 40 photographs of the
Haechel Collection is published in this rare German book